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New Youth Worker Appointed


NEW YOUTH WORKER appointed is Stuart Forsyth of Irvine.

Stuart is already a volunteer youth worker with FireStarters UK and Scripture Union. He also has served at The Ark and he runs Castlepark Football Club, for under 10's.

His vision is to see a passionate generation of worshippers rise up and take their place in history He feels strongly that the youth of this generation is not merely the "future of the church," but is the church!

Stuart started in August and will be an enormous asset to our Church. He is gifted in music and sport and worship leading and comes as Pastor to Young People between the ages of 11 and 18.

Stuart's remit will include reaching out to young people who attend our organisations as well as those who attend none, but who live in the community near the Church. He will also be involved in two local schools.

Please support him in your prayers and with generous helpings of friendship.