Meet the minister
What's happening?
How do I get to Church?
New Youth Worker Appointed


Welcome to the brand new site of Newton-On-Ayr Parish Church, Ayr.

Services are at 11 am and 6.30 pm.
Prayer Meeting Mondays 7.30 pm in the Session Room

Sunday Services are the most important feature of the Church life. They are the times of meeting with God when his people come to make a sacrifice of praise and when they seek his face and come to hear his word.

The morning worship service is attended by approximately 200 people. This service is both traditional and modern with both hymns and choruses being sung. After a rousing hymn of praise and opening prayer, approximately 30 children come to front for their talk time. After a chorus for the children the children leave for Sunday School, Action Sunday and the Sunday Group. They all follow the same programme designed by Scripture Union. The adults meanwhile sing a modern hymn followed by a prayer of intercession. The reading of the Bible and the message from the minister focus on what God's Word is saying to people today.

Services conclude with the intimations and the offering.

The evening service is attended by around 70 faithful people which includes some regular visitors from other churches. This is much more of a bible teaching service. A number of different people are involved in leading the congregation in prayer or reading the Bible. Once a month the Praise Band leads the worship with contemporary songs.