Latest News:
New Midweek Fellowship:
Starts on Wednesday, 1st November at 7.30 pm. It would be good to see you there! Join over 20 of your fellow members week by week.
Newton Lunch Club
Has resumed in Hall “A” on Thursdays, at 11.45 am until 1.15 pm where ALL will be made most welcome. Prices: Soup £1.10, Sweet £1.10, Coffee/Tea and Biscuits 30p.
Marion and Cathy would appreciate further additional offers of help.
Luv Esther:
Musical, a ground breaking Christian production which is touring the UK and follows in the footsteps of Joseph. One night only: Ayr Citadel, 8th November at 7.30 pm Tickets £10. Flyers and poster in Halls.
If you know anyone who would like to become a full member of the Church by Profession of Faith
please encourage them to phone the minister.
The 7th Ayr Boys Brigade Company, Monday's, at 6.30 pm in our Halls.
The Guides, Brownie Guides and Rainbow Guides, Tuesday's, at 6.30 pm.
Badminton Club, Wednesday's at 6.30pm pm in our halls.
The 1st Newton-on-Ayr Girl’s Brigade Friday's, at 7 pm in our halls
NEWTON NITE CLUB (P1-5) Wednesdays, monthly, from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm. Next one: Wednesday, 8th November. More help needed!
SENIOR NEWTON NITE CLUB (P6-7) As above starts at 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm.